Printing Folded Paper – Print Formats

Printing Folded Paper – Print Formats

Print Folding Techniques Print folding techniques allow you to create a variety of documents that go beyond a simple piece of paper. Folding adds a third dimension to your print material, making them more engaging and interesting to your customers. At Dollco, we offer...
How to Print a Booklet, Professionally

How to Print a Booklet, Professionally

Anyone can create a booklet using Microsoft Word or any similar word processor. You don’t need expensive software to make a small book for training, or an event, or for a personal project. If you are using Word, consider formatting your document using the page...
Dollco Prints Veseys Seeds Catalogue

Dollco Prints Veseys Seeds Catalogue

A successful business partnership is like a well-managed garden. The relationship requires care, patience, nurturing and growth. Dollco Print Solutions Group and Veseys Seeds, the largest mail order gardening business in Canada, have this strong bond, and every year...